The Journey: Dianne Minnaar
Dianne Minnaar
The Journey: Elisabeth Murray
Elisabeth Murray
The Journey: Susan Pietsch
Susan Pietsch
Artist Statement
And then life turns…
This three part series explores that force we ignore in life, the one that tears our life, as we know it, apart. Is it fate/luck/chance or is it God? Or is it God and fate? We believe we control so much of our lives when it fact we control little. This is never clearer when life turns and stuff happens which we neither foresaw, thought of or even knew could happen. This affects us both positively and negatively. Things fall into place, things shatter, and then life turns…
Life turns…Certainty represents that time in our lives when the path is firmly set out for us – primary school, high school, University (or TAFE, apprenticeship training). We are swept along the railroad of society’s expectations. The rules for success are clear, the environment contained. Much in the same way for our faith life. Baptism becomes holy communion and then confirmation. Variations occur in the order and timing of the ceremonies but rarely does one journey off the rails.
Until. Until something takes us off the rails. Graduation, illness, death, family disruption, betrayal – an editing of our life script that wasn’t by our hand.
And then, life turns…
Life turns…Doubt represents that time when the path has vanished. You followed society’s rules but it hasn’t worked out; no job, no money, no place on the economic scale. You followed your faith’s rules but it hasn’t worked out; questions weigh heavy, doubt has blossomed, it’s not as simple as before. In work life it’s apparently all your fault you’re not a success. At church, the friends of Job gather round to discuss your lack. You scream in anger and frustration at the blue sky that “it’s NOT FAIR!! You PROMISED. Follow the rules and SUCCESS is a given”. But your voice is lost in the emptiness. So you sit down, under the waterless sky. The rusted remains of your life close by. “But they promised” you whisper in despair. Is this God or is it fate? A pervasive grief descends for what was and what won’t be. The script of your life, as you knew it, disintegrates in the afternoon heat.
A gentle breeze wraps around you.
It whispers into your ear “I AM still here”
And then, life turns…
Life turns…Journey on sees me rise. I no longer swallow the pat answers of culture; no longer so assured of my own power. Is it fate/luck/chance or is it God? Or is it God and fate? Fate means being alone. God means I am not. I can choose either, quite freely. I choose God knowing full well that means I have to live with the questions. Questions that can be excruciating and/or empowering. But I no longer need the clear path. I can accept that the path may at times meander, cross streams and become steep. My life script unfurls in front of me. I know I get to write some of it but not all and that’s ok. I no longer define myself as I did before, failing prey to society’s or religion’s whims. I have become a sojourner in this world; no longer so desperately attached. And each time life turns, I ask the questions anew.
More information about Susan Pietsch’s work can be found at
The Journey: Sue Oliver
Sue Oliver
The Journey: Gregg Nowell
Gregg Nowell
Artist Statement
In 2005 I was eating a meal at a restaurant overlooking the Niagara Falls, Canada when a small bird began to eat the crumbs from my table. I was reminded of the verse in Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the sir, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? (NKJV)
My family and I had spent a great deal of money to see and eat at the falls and yet God was taking care of one of his beautiful creations (the sparrow) as well.
Since 2005 I have journeyed through cancer, depression and the illness of other family members and a very close friend. The tonal scale “branch” in this artwork is symbolic of God and his omnipresence even though, at times, it seemed He might not have been there. Hence the subtle shadows observed in the textures background.
The bird and the small piece of see bread are symbolic, once again, of God’s wonderful provision in life.
Many who have seen me working on this work have commented on the peace they have seen in me as I painted and the peace they feel while looking at the work. The intention of this work has always been to show the continual peace and confidence I have in God as I journey through life.
The Journey: Barbara Niczynski
Barbara Niczynski
Artist Statement
Soul Journeys
How well do we journey with this elusive part of us, our soul? At times does it crave an escape from the rat race of work, family, and commitments? Does it look for a place of shelter now and again, to stop, rest and catch its breath?
Our life is a map, well used, worn with coffee stains and walking tracks where we meet ourselves and others on our journey. Some tracks come in from outside and leave, some stay, some are our family and friends and some are from within us. At times we are called to the quiet journey of the soul; we walk the ancient labyrinth to come to a place of meditation, prayer, restoration and rest for the soul.
The Journey: Sarah Douglas
Sarah Douglas
The Journey: Joy Harris
Joy Harris
Artist Statement
I see my own life’s journey in this painting. The dark threads go in all directions, meeting dead-ends, weaving and back-tracking, yet moving onward.
There is a good balance of delightful colour indicating variety, overlapping with highlights of memorable happiness. Here and there are the sober pillars etched with unscripted scars gathered along the way: times for grieving, reflection and new direction. The movement and blending of the colours gives me a feeling of the presence of the Holy Spirit which accompanies me on my journey. The lamp beckons me onward.
The Journey: Jennii Gould
Jennii Gould
Artist Statement
This allegorical painting relates to my personal spiritual walk. It is about taking the first step of the journey, by stepping out of the boat of faith, as Peter did (Matt 14:29). Often I feel terrified yet I venture on trusting Jesus. My journey out of Past Traumatic Injury has necessitated walking through terror, in order to regain my trust in all aspects of life. As I step out, I trust God to assist me, but I am terrified another catastrophe may await me. I use some colours symbolically and in this case terror is conveyed by purple.